學習成果: Graphic Design專項課程 (CalArts+Coursera)

Jessica Cho
3 min readMar 23, 2021


Make Compelling Design.

Learn and apply the principles of graphic design towards a comprehensive branding project.


Graphic Design 專項課程

加州藝術大學 (California Institute of the Arts) 提供的平面設計專項課程、

1. 平面設計基礎 (Fundamentals of Graphic Design) 
2. 字型入門 (Introduction to Typography)
3. 影像製作入門 (Introduction to Imagemaking)
4. 平面設計史上的見解 (Ideas from the History of Graphic Design)
5. 全新品牌 (Brand New Brand)

課程內容 / 習得技能

  • 藝術史(維多利亞時代、The Bauhaus、美國現代主義⋯⋯)
  • 構思、創作、到呈現的設計流程
  • 透過圖像和文字進行訊息傳遞
  • 設計理論、視覺對比、構圖、網格系統
  • 字體的結構、種類、間距大小、單位、個性、背景
  • 色彩學、色彩模式、顏色的特性
  • 品牌建立(Logo、色調、標記、應用⋯⋯)

Course 1 — Fundamentals of Graphic Design

Part of your job as a designer is to try and control the messages that you’re making. And think about how they’re going to be read by an audience.

作業: 找一個日用品、用不同種字型呈現、並快速製作多個表示圖像。

Typography Exercise (字形練習)
Image Iterations (圖像迭代)

作業: 針對 scale、weight、direction、space、form、texture,創建6種不同的視覺對比構圖。

Composition Exercise (構圖練習)

Course 2 — Introduction to Typography

We read both the words and the form of the words. The more that you can be in control of those words and the form of those words, the better communication you can have and the more you can control that communication.

作業: 研究一種字體並將研究內容做排版。

Research + Layout (研究+佈局)

Course 3 — Introduction to Imagemaking

Formerly, the image illustrated the text; today, the text loads the image, burdening it with a culture, a moral, an imagination. — Roland Barthes

作業: 選一個主題做視覺研究、將靈感呈現於moodboard上、並做5種視覺呈現 (真實到抽像)。

Moodboard (情緒板)
Range of Representation

課程作品: 將先前產出的多種構圖層級策略(scale、space、figure/ground),集結成一本書。

Course 4 — Ideas from the History of Graphic Design

The influential German art school where Johannes Itten taught visual contrasts in shapes and forms in the early 1920s.

The ideas that were put together at the Bauhaus really influenced the way that art was taught in the US and everywhere in the 20th century.

Course 5 — Brand New Brand

The capstone project for the specialization in graphic design.
A branding Project through Brand Development Guide.

結業作品: 構想一個新創公司、並製作 Brand Development Guide (品牌發展指南)。作品涵蓋 brainstorming、思維導圖、公司名稱選項、情緒版、 字體、色調、Logo、標記、應用 等等。

總結: 雖然已閱讀過不少設計理論、排版、色彩、字體的書籍,但透過有條理的方式打穩基礎,並從實作及反饋中學習,可說是受益良多!

Graphic Design Specialization 作品連結整理


  • 課程三作品: Black Cat (構圖/訊息傳遞)
  • 課程五作品: LEGGO (旅遊體驗公司 — 品牌發展指南)



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